Square peg, round hole?

Reposted from Benefits and Work

So we have the “unholy” trinity of Iain Duncan Smith, Priti Patel and this charmer …

The prime minister has announced that the new minister for disabled people is Justin Tomlinson, Conservative MP for North Swindon. Tomlinson has a strong anti-benefits and anti-human rights background.


Tomlinson has replaced Mark Harper, who is now the Conservative chief whip.

Tomlinson is a former national chairman of Conservative Future, the youth wing of the Conservative party and has been an MP since 2010.

He is a party loyalist, with a strong record of voting against the interests of sick and disabled claimants.

According to They work For You, Tomlinson:

  • Voted strongly for of the bedroom tax
  • Voted very strongly against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices
  • Voted very strongly against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability
  • Voted very strongly for making local councils responsible for helping those in financial need afford their council tax and reducing the amount spent on such support
  • Voted very strongly for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits
  • Voted very strongly against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed.

Tomlinson also voted in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act.

His responsibilities a minister for disabled people include:

  • cross-government disability issues and strategy
  • Employment and Support Allowance, Work Capability Assessment and Incapacity Benefit Reassessment Programme
  • disability benefits (Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Attendance Allowance)
  • carers
  • appeals reform
  • fraud and error (including debt management)

Tomlinson has some interest in health issues, but does not seem to have shown any great interest in disability issues during his time as an MP.

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6 Responses to Square peg, round hole?

  1. stilloaks says:

    Reblogged this on DWPExamination..


  2. Basically he’s a fascist, I bet he loves Hitler, it wouldn’t surprise me.
    The people who voted for him and his dreadful mates are all responsible for any deaths he causes, they should hang their heads in shame.


  3. Andy says:

    Oh good another little nazi murderer.


  4. Chris says:

    Pensioners do not even rate an elected MP, with the appointment of a paid person of Ms Ros Altmann, who was said that the elderly should also be put on the slavery of workfare.

    The flat rate pension is Work til you Die or Starve if you can’t for huge numbers of men and women.

    See why at end of my petition, in my WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT section, at±:

    The more my petition is shared by word of mouth as much as social media, the more the Tory vioters will see how even they are not immune to the worse that is to come.

    Because a Tory MP once told me, WE ARE NOT OBLIGED TO PAY YOU ANYTHING.

    Once new pensioners lose their state pension, how soon will it be that the state pension is lost to all, however old.


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