EUROPE: Rise of the Phoenix ‘ SUPER STATE ‘ as the EU starts to crumble to dust with army, criminal law, taxation system and or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels – @AceNewsServices — Ace News Services

#AceNewsReport – July.02: EU Officials to Unveil ‘Ultimatum’ Blueprint as Final Solution for European Super-State It appears The Brits may have dodged more than a bullet in their decision to leave The EU. The foreign ministers of France and Germany are reportedly due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states […]

via EUROPE: Rise of the Phoenix ‘ SUPER STATE ‘ as the EU starts to crumble to dust with army, criminal law, taxation system and or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels – @AceNewsServices — Ace News Services

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4 Responses to EUROPE: Rise of the Phoenix ‘ SUPER STATE ‘ as the EU starts to crumble to dust with army, criminal law, taxation system and or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels – @AceNewsServices — Ace News Services

  1. loobitzh says:

    Think Ive seen this map somewhere way back in my childhood?
    Wasn’t there a group of thugs around then who had plans to take ownership of this area?


  2. loobitzh says:

    Back then the grab was without the consent… Now its with (mis) informed consent…. perhaps? manufacturing consent ring any bells?

    Liked by 1 person

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